

Opertion Soldier Assist wishes to introduce our visitors to Warfighter Engaged, the work that they do for our troops is simply amazing! OSA has created this page to make you aware of what they do and to provide a link to their site & facebook page. We know that many of you who visit OSA have family who are deployed or they are now vets. I believe that many of you will wish to show your support of Warfighter Engaged.

It is my opinion, that no one cares more for our deployed personnel and wounded vets then Warfighter Engaged.

- Blaine P. Ducote Sr.
Founder: OSA

Here are just a few photos of solutions that Warfighter Engaged developed for our wounded veterans.


SGT. recieved a paintball turret for his Trackchair.


SSG. is see here using
his adapted XBOX rig.


The V2P is a mechanically activated device. It cannot hold knives or any tools or eating utensiles requiring leverage. This simple plastic adapter slips on and provides reaction points providing the user with the ability to generate significant force to cut meat, and other harder foods.

controler1 controler2

These adapted systems are all trial and error and being continuously refined. There is no right or wrong way to do any of this. Its all a guess. Every wounded warfighter is unique and the best way for one is terrible for another.

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E-mail.:  root@soldierassist.com

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